Monday, November 28, 2011

Teen Dies in GA Youth Detention Center

November 7th at the Augusta Youth Development Campus, 19 year old Jade Holder was beaten to death in his cell.  So far, a captain at the YDC has been suspended and 17 year old Michael Everidge had been charged with the murder.

What some are calling a "red flag" is the fact that Everidge did not show up for his bond hearing, and his mother was given no explanation why. You can watch a video from wrdw-tv which includes a statement from his mother and details of a beating that happened 2 days before.

What do you think about the safety of youth in Georgia detention centers?

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

New DJJ Commissioner

This Monday, L. Gale Buckner attending a swearing in ceremony with Governor Nathan Deal to become Georgia's new Department of Juvenile Justice Commissioner. She replaces former Comissioner Amy Howell who resigned earlier this month.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Youth Voice Needed for Children's Code Rewrite!

Please take the poll on the right & comment below! 

We need to know your vote/voice on the following --- do you want to see a judge have to approve if your attorney can also be a GAL for you?   _____Yes            ____No
If your answer was yes, why?    If your answer was no, why?

·       The new Children’s Code Rewrite makes it possible for one person to represent you as your attorney and guardian ad litem.  If you may not be clear on this distinction, what this means is that your attorney represents YOUR interests directly.  A Guardian Ad Litem, sometimes you will hear this as “GAL” – can be an attorney or other individual in place to represent what they feel is in your best interest, even if it’s not what you think is best for you.  The code permits one person serving in both the role of your attorney and GAL only until there presents any conflict, for example, if you feel your attorney is favoring what they think is your best interest over representing what you are wanting to see represented as your interest – and you no longer feel the working relationship with this person is working, as a result of this conflict in professional roles as it relates to your life and your case.
·         Now, there is an opinion by a leader in Fulton County that the law language should be strengthened so that it states that an attorney shall (which means they have to comply) NOT serve also as your GAL, and that they only be allowed to do so if the judge orders that it is appropriate after review.  Fulton County operates off of a client-directed model, which means all of their youth have only attorneys, not people who can do both (meaning, represent you and represent what they think is in your best interest at the same time).
·         The other option is to leave the language as-is, where the law would permit your attorney to serve also as your GAL without requiring permission from the judge to do so, again, only until there is any conflict and then their role in representing you would have to be renegotiated/reassigned.